about me

I'm an Android Developer living in Toronto.

Completely passionate about LEGO, Technology and App Development. My background includes 6+ years of Android Development and other years working with Java, PHP, and Web Development. I worked for 12 years at Celepar, a great company where I've developed a lot of solutions that helped to improve people lives and in some cases save them. I am really proud about the team where I had a pleasure to be part, our knowledge, and wish for a better society made all difference.


Part Coder

  • Android Developer
  • Android Instructor
  • Android Enthusiast
  • Android Passionate
  • Android User
  • Kotlin Lover

Part Human

  • Marvel and DC Fan
  • GoT Passionate
  • Popcorn Maker
  • SNES Player
  • Team Stark
  • Bike Lover
part UI designer, part Front End Developer

Random facts

  • I worship gnocchi with carbonara sauce
  • I like to play with Ryu
  • I drink 3 cups of coffee per day
  • I want to be a super Android Dev
  • I want to live in Canada
  • I love The Cranberries Songs
  • I use Ubuntu
  • I want to have a John Wick’s ’69 MUSTANG
  • I like Robotics and Lego

My technical skills

  • Jedi
  • 90%
  • 95%
    Android Dev
  • 40%
  • 25%
  • 85%
  • 55%
  • 95%
    Coffee drinking